5 Practical Ways to Handle Loneliness When You Live With Depression

Last Saturday, I found myself in a rare situation: I was home alone (minus my cat). At first, I was excited to have some time…

Toilet Training is a Disaster

OTs evaluate how clients get on and off the toilet.  However, aides are the ones who deal with dressing and undressing during toileting.  Aides have large caseloads…

Yes, You Should Use Global Warming and Stroke in the Same Sentence

If you haven’t been under the proverbial rock, you have some idea of what global warming is. First, some background dummied down for the population–of…

Rehearsal Saves Me Again

My moving company will keep my belongings in storage containers for 2 to 3 weeks until there is a truck heading to west to Michigan. …

Aphasia: 10 Insensitive Reactions to Someone Who Has It

Aphasia is not having a senior moment every once in awhile. Rather, aphasia is the loss of ability to comprehend or express speech caused by brain damage,…

Why Do Stroke Survivors Lose Friends?

Through my involvement with stroke survivors at all levels, I heard from a lady who had to move 2000 miles away to get out of…