Are You “Confabulating” with a TBI?

Confabulation is when people, a significant portion of Traumatic Injury Injury (TBI) survivors, have gaps in their memory and were asked to recount the details…

The Impossible New Year’s Resolution

The year has almost gone and I don’t remember where it went. Some things, sure, like my sons visiting often, the Capitol insurrection, some say…


As you might well imagine, many things changed after three back to back strokes, a craniotomy and the discovery of a congenital hole in my…

Monday Motivational Magic

Monday Motivational Magic – JGH Rehab .fb-background-color { background: #ededed !important; } .fb_iframe_widget_fluid_desktop iframe { width: 100% !important; }

An Aphasia Advocate’s New Book

Hey now, friends! My name is Shai Anbar, a stroke survivor who was diagnosed with aphasia. It took me years to finally write and publish…

Music Fest!

I didn’t exactly suffer from a stroke. I had severe hypoxia in my right lobe. The effects are fairly similar though. I have memory, problem…