An Aphasia Advocate’s New Book

Hey now, friends! My name is Shai Anbar, a stroke survivor who was diagnosed with aphasia. It took me years to finally write and publish a novella called Goddess Aphasia (available on Amazon). This book is a hybrid of memoir and creative nonfiction that depicts the arduous journey of a survivor diagnosed with aphasia but with a quirky twist: the personified character of Aphasia herself who, against all odds, aids in his recovery.
As a businessman-turned-aphasia advocate, my sole intention is to raise awareness, shining a light on disability- specifically on aphasia- where resilience, hope and inspiration aren’t always household names. For those who may be interested in reading my book and liking it, I hope they’ll reach out to me; it would be an honor and a privilege for me to speak with their community, spreading The Word – the word APHASIA!
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