We are meeting online this Thursday, June 18th

Mark your calendars for the June Young and Restless Peer Engagement Meeting. We meet on the third Thursday of each month. This month, Grace Couture, Physical Therapist, will present “Recovery Doesn’t End When You Leave Rehab". 


You don't want to miss it! From any computer, iPad or even a cell phone, all you need to do is click the link:  https://zoom.us/j/99472545462

Date: Thursday, June 18th, 2020   Time: 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm

 I can share detailed information about Zoom and how to use it. Let me know, and I will send it to your inbox.

 This young stroke group will continue to offer a forum for listening and sharing. Our goal is to provide a safe place to practice social and life skills and receive education from guest speakers. We all receive inspired learning from others as they face a lifelong disability with many challenges. We are the Young and the Restless Survivors, age is only a number. 

This Thursday, Brain Injury Talk Radio, will be discussing "Brain Injury in Black Lives" with guests Roger Brathwaite, support group leader, and a 2-time stroke survivor, and brain stem stroke survivor Reuven Surall with his wife/caregiver Leah Surall, and Brenda Brown, brain injury survivor. This Thursday, June 18th -10pm EST 700pm PAC To join, call 424-243-9540 or click the link below for both live listenings or later with our  On-Demand program



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